Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

If he knew what was best for himself, he wouldn't have ended up in her involuntary "care"--right? Of course that's what she will say when he objects to her arrogance.

When he claims his right to refuse what she calls "medication" but he nevertheless honestly experiences as poison, is he delusional or does she simply own him? It's an interpretation. Whoever has the guns and the gold authors the correct judgment and the true history.

But how does one, rather than another, come to have the guns and the gold? Dr. Cash can keep Christopher locked up and brutally drugged as long as she likes. It's hard to say why this is just or sensible, if you talk to each of them.

Well... guns are violent force. People tend to apply violent force when they have failed to control their environment with skill and other people with reason. Money flows with attention (both directionally and by volume).

So are the authors of correct judgment and true history those who fail to control with skill and reason, and who yet direct the most attention? Perhaps. But judgment and history are only the past. Who needs past that can create future?

I've worked with a lot of state psychiatrists, and a lot of slaves on state psychiatric plantations in Illinois, for more than twenty years. When I review which among them seemed to need past, as opposed to which could create future, I get an interesting analysis.

Guys who can create future just don't hang around in state nuthouses very long; and guys who need past create (or make others create) enormous amounts of paperwork. That's how I tell the difference.

Evaluating myself, it occurs that paperwork flows from me like Niagra Falls because (my excuse) I'm a lawyer; and I sure am stuck to Illinois nuthouses!

I like to think I can create future and couldn't care less for past. So hmmm... what gives?

Maybe I have a lot of work to do. This is Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for the work above all. The work I have been able to do, but more so the work I will do in the future.

We are all Pilgrims landing at Plymouth's desolate wilderness in 1620, to create a fair land.

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