Saturday, December 28, 2024

A culture of corruption

Yesterday's Chicago Tribune had a front page article entitled, "Excessive overtime at IDHS detailed: Agency also facing increased allegations of staff misconduct," by Jeremy Gorner. IDHS corruption is such old news to me that I had to push myself to even read the article.

Excessive overtime--? Come on! If you want to talk about staff misconduct, how about looking for rampant and entrenched sexual abuse and medical neglect of involuntary "patients" (who are actually slaves), paid for by the taxpayers of this state? How about the fact that everyone believes the slaves are held for their own good and for the protection of the community, but when they are released they are worse than they ever were, and more dangerous to themselves and others, because they're angry and trained to lie?

If some STA on a $66,000 annual salary manages to gross $227,800 by logging 3321 hours of overtime, how is that more corrupt than the clinicians who bury their heads in the sand so they "don't see" (and never have to report) such obvious signs of abuse as the close relationship between Gabby and Latwon on K &  L, or Malis-with-malice's chaining of a disabled James Baker merely to punish him, or the consistent, continuing neglect of Gus on N Unit?

Why was a baby conceived on White Cottage, and nobody really knew whether the father might be staff? Why do senior clinicians and administrators have impunity to "document" falsehoods about patients that become "medical record" for courts to accept as reliable and relevant evidence? Why are these people almost never  prosecuted for perjury and other crimes? Why the hell do we all think this is OK, or the way it has to be?

The Trib article goes on and on about the difficulties of maintaining head counts. But the real reason there are too few staff on the plantations is that no one wants to work in this psychiatric slavery industry any more. New staff start because they believe "mental health care" is a good way to help people. Then they find out pretty early that it's not possible to help the way they had hoped to, on the plantations. They get demoralized and cynical and before they know it, if they don't leave for more honest work, they become cogs in the wheels of the abuse and neglect machine, which just runs.

No "staffing analysis" will ever change the fundamentally corrupt culture in IDHS, as long as the Department is devoted to a false promise of medical cures for non-medical problems in human thinking, emotion and behavior.

While psychiatry rules, excessive overtime is the least of problems.

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