Thursday, June 6, 2024

More on sex with mental patients

I have to hope I didn't give a wrong impression, in my June 1 article. Just to be sure, I'll briefly clarify a couple things here.

I absolutely do not believe that institutional staff have any slightest excuse or justification--EVER!!--for seduction and sexual abuse of mental patients. This is severely harmful abuse, which ruins lives! It's also a crime, which people have rightfully gone to prison for. More people will probably go to prison for this crime, and they should! It's similar to child sex offenses, equally despicable.

My point in the recent article was just to ask readers to think a little more carefully about why.

People clearly need to think more carefully about why, because all the rules and laws and threats of prison do not prevent some portion of mental health professionals from crossing boundaries. It's a chronic problem that has never been solved. The complexity itself is proof that nobody knows how to solve it, and a constant warning that these terrible violations will continue to happen.

My point, which I tried to explain in the earlier article, is that it's far too easy to bury your head in the sand. People convince themselves that they don't know things they don't want to know. But they do know those things, and I will continue to sue them until they admit they know them, and until they think more carefully about why. 

It may or may not require the total abolition of psychiatric slavery, or the fundamental redesign of legal and social institutions which are supposed to deal with dangerous and obnoxious people. I don't know.

But I sure as hell do know that none of us can simply show up for work and try to stay out of trouble every day until we can collect a pension. We have to think more carefully.

That's the only way the harm will ever stop.

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