Sunday, August 6, 2023


 Forcing people to be "treated" is an abomination.

Where medicine is helpful, people ask for it and want it. They even want it when it just might be helpful and they don't quite understand why, as far as they can tell it's just magic.

So why does psychiatry have to threaten its patients to get them treated, while dermatologists and ophthalmologists have two-month waits for appointments for regular patients? Veterinarians are also backed up for weeks, at least in my neighborhood. But within a short commute, there are two state institutions where hundreds of mental patients are held involuntarily because otherwise they would not accept the drugs that the doctors say "help" them. And Illinois has four more plantations like that scattered around the state, plus quite a few locked psych wards in private hospitals.

It's completely unnecessary to be anti-psychiatry or a Scientologist, to notice this glaring contradiction. Psychiatry claims to be medical help, but the people buying that claim are not the patients: the patients don't want or ask for this "help," and the real customers are people who are afraid of the patients or fed up with the patients.

Most state psychiatrists I know have private practices, too. They'll argue that plenty of their patients are voluntary. The trouble with that is, every one of those "voluntary" patients knows that if they tell their "doctor" certain things (e.g., "I am done with these rotten SSRI's, I feel like just checking out of this rotten life!") or if they fail to tell their "doctor" other things (e.g., "I believe in ADHD, and my son has a chemical imbalance in his brain that needs amphetamines just like diabetics need insulin!"), they can be threatened by some unfriendly state power.

Each step you take on that slippery gradient of mental health makes it more difficult to turn back, and at the bottom you find yourself held down by six goons or chained, while Richard Malis-with-malice forces the needle into your body with drugs to turn you into a subhuman slave for your own good.

The reason I have spent twenty-two years representing and advocating for "mentally ill" people found not guilty by reason of insanity or unfit to stand trial for violent crimes, is that the state institutional system is the ultimate redoubt of an evil regime which must be obliterated if there is ever to be a social order on this planet based on human rights and respect.

Many of my clients are good people, or potentially good people. They are hard to help. But their slave-masters are bad people, and they are easy to frustrate. I just love to frustrate bad people; it makes me happy, like sailing and walking on the beach. If I can help a couple good people along the way, that's fine.

The main thing is we must STOP forcing people to be treated. It degrades both medical science and the law. If you're afraid to control others you will be controlled by chaos. And if you're afraid to hurt others you surely will.

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