Jeffrey Epstein said sex with underage girls has been socially and morally accepted at many times and in many places. No doubt that's true.
Assistant Kane County State's Attorney Bill Engerman says a digital recording shows that a "patient" begged a staff to give him oral sex. That may also be true.
It doesn't matter, the law is the law. It rules or we have no society. If Jeffrey Epstein hadn't managed to kill himself, he'd be facing a very long prison sentence no matter who thought young girls should be available to him because of his money. If the EMHC staff is convicted she should also face a very long prison sentence no matter how much Bill Engerman thinks her "patients" might have enjoyed oral sex with her.
And by the way, it remains to be seen if Epstein's fortune of billions was as powerful a facility as a social worker's mere status, of being a state-employed mental health professional. Epstein paid many people to bring him girls he wanted and protect his activities. The "mental health professional" didn't have to pay anyone: the forensic psychiatric system brought her the young men she wanted and protected her automatically, all on the taxpayers!
Alexander Acosta had to resign from President Trump's cabinet because he failed or refused to bring Jeffrey Epstein to justice when he was a prosecutor in Florida. This was a big media flap.

Joe McMahon, the State's Attorney of Kane County, will not run for re-election in 2020. In a letter explaining his decision he notes that, "Justice is not an exact science and what seems heavy-handed to some might seem lenient to others."
We only have to hope that such thoughts of inexactitude do not extend to sexual abuse of disabled persons by state employees. We have to hope that's not part of the culture of Joe McMahon's office. When a young man's life has been ruined by the cynical, cruel depravity of a "social" worker who was trusted with his rehabilitation and paid as his helper, there will be -- and there MUST be -- public outrage.
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