Monday, March 10, 2025

REALLY up for grabs!

I've been hearing complaints recently from the IDHS plantations that toilet paper is rationed and nobody can do their laundry because there's no soap. I also had a "patient" (slave) call me to complain that psychotherapy cannot be provided any longer. Treatment is now being refused because there are no funds to pay for overtime. Clinical staff are not showing up for work, units are undermanned and it's not safe.

Downstate, there have been several recent cases when defense attorneys asked criminal courts not to place their clients at Choate MHC because it's so understaffed that it's dangerous and treatment is simply not possible. In at least one hearing recently, defense counsel called three separate Choate overseers (aka, "clinical staff") as witnesses to testify about how bad it is there for the slaves.

I got a call from a client just yesterday who was very frightened because she was assigned a new roommate who is unstable. My client is several months pregnant, and she's afraid there is a plan to traumatize her and cause her to loose her baby. The overseers probably would be greatly relieved if she had a miscarraige, because it's clear they are at fault for her pregnancy in the first place. They haven't been able to coerce her into an abortion, and they are quite impatient/unhappy about having to provide proper prenatal care for anyone, much preferring to follow the regular routines of just just drugging everyone into compliance and zombified sub-humanity, and punishing them when they cause extra trouble. This one will be a real shit show for the Packard plantation, however: when that baby is born, he or she should get a free ride to Harvard on the State of Illinois, and that's a whole lot of extra trouble!

The question of where a bunch of money went, that was supposed to buy toilet paper and laundry soap or pay for overtime psychological counseling, is unsettled at EMHC. Maybe it was stolen by the librarian who was recently allowed to retire with a pension based on his final, near-six-figure salary, after sexually harassing and abusing patients for many years; or maybe the thief was Nick Callapocalypse, who was supposedly the administrator responsible for ordering toilet paper, laundry soap and other supplies. I don't know Nick Callapocalypse, or even if my version of his name is close. I am told however, that whatever his name is, his "mismanagement of funds" caused him to be removed from his position, even though he was a loyal sycophant of Hospital Administrator Michelle Evans.

The "shortage" of psychological counseling doesn't seem to me like it should have anything to do with overtime. "Patients" are only held involuntarily on these plantations to be helped with "treatment" which includes not just psychiatric drugs or shock, but also counseling that might actually improve their mental and emotional/behavioral conditions. If the masters cannot provide counseling, the slaves are being held under unconstitutional conditions, in violation of their Fourteenth Amendment rights to substantive due process of law. The people running IDHS presumably know this as well as I do, so they have to schedule counseling where it is prescribed, overtime or no overtime.

An official publication entitled Patients and Support Persons Information Booklet, updated in 2023, tells the public that every clinical unit housing psychiatric slaves will have a staff psychologist to provide counseling. Well, guess what, that's just not true now. It might not have been true when it was written.

Housing male and female slaves on the same hallway and taking no responsibility to prevent or deal with entirely predictable unplanned pregnancies, rationing toilet paper and failing to enable laundry for a whole population of severely mentally ill people, allowing or failing to prevent staff financial misconduct and sexual abuse of patients for years, understaffing supposed "hospitals" to a point where they resemble medieval prisons.... These are signs of an enterprise which the public will sooner or later frown upon with a vengeance.

And incidentally, dealing with such crimes against humanity will not even require any Illinois version of Elon Musk and (the federal) DOGE. I note the Chicago Tribune headline just this morning announcing an eight-figure settlement agreement in a Federal lawsuit over the failure of DuPage County to effectively care for a 50-year-old mentally ill mother in their custody, who ultimately died as a result. Very likely, the DuPage Sheriff tried to defend by saying the state nuthouses just didn't have room, so he couldn't get the woman transferred to a proper mental "hospital".

But the state nuthouses are at least as hopelessly incompetent and downright dangerous as county jails ever were. The whole, laughingly-called, "forensic mental health system" is up for grabs.

No toilet paper for godsakes!