I have long known that my main audience is employees in the Illinois forensic psychiatric system. That's because they are what I write about. Sometimes I name individuals, sometimes I insult them, and once in awhile I compliment them. Many of them might prefer to be insulted rather than complimented by me, because they could get in trouble if they are suspected of any sympathy for my agenda or my opinions.
It turns out that the bosses read my blog. Apparently (at least for some months in 2017), Vicky Ingram, Ph.D., the Director of Court Services at Elgin Mental Health Center and one-time (I won't go into how dicey that particular one time was...) Acting Forensic Director, considered it her job to monitor the articles I posted and pass them around by email to a certain audience on a monthly basis.
I don't know whether Vicky is hostile toward me or friendly. I would think she is smart enough to know that what I want is for the very people she was frequently updating to read what I write. But who knows, maybe she thought those people would be so angry that they would come after me in some way. (If they did, it certainly would cause them more trouble than it would be worth; so again, whose side Vicky is or was on might be a complicated speculation.)
Bill Epperson, Chief of Security, once responded to an article mentioning him by asking in an email "What can be done about this guy (me)?" Vicky told him she would check on it with DHS legal counsel. Bill is no longer at Elgin, but I don't really think I got him fired. Bill has been replaced by Jeremy Jackson as Chief. (When I told a couple people about that, guys who have known the many personalities at EMHC for a long time, the reaction was rolling-on-the-floor laughter.)
Drew Beck was seemingly enthralled by one of my ideas, which I published in an article on January 28, 2017, about rescinding psychiatric diagnoses. He emailed Vicky asking (sarcastically, I'm pretty sure) if Dr. Gill would be signing the form I had suggested. She laughed and replied dismissively that he might, but Drew then suggested that they go to Dr. Hardy (EMHC Medical Director at the time) about it to preempt the possibility, which he apparently was actually concerned about.
Dr. Gill has been chronically in trouble with the bosses. James Patrick Corcoran actually called him incompetent in court once, and Gill has been anxious about his professional future most of the time I've known him. He occasionally goes out of his way to distance himself from me to protect his job. I won't endanger him by any more compliments or respect here.
Overall, I can't help wondering: why do you idiots read my stuff? You have to know it's intended to attack your group morale, your pride, and the symbols and ideals of the forensic mental health profession! If you had any decent level of group morale or pride, you would ignore this blog. But you have no morale or pride, and you can't ignore it. If you don't read my blog, somebody else might, and you really can't trust them to not agree with me, or to not talk about something I say behind your back.
I'd like to thank Vicky Ingram, and anyone else who passes this around.
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