Wednesday, May 8, 2024

APAAM 2024: an incriminating moment

At 10:30 AM, Sunday, May 5, 2024, at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting in New York City, a session was held which was entitled, "Responding to Reports of Sexual Violence on Psychiatric Inpatient Units."

It should have been entitled, "Responding to Reports of Sexual Violence on Psychiatric Inpatient Units, as long as No Staff are Suspected Perpetrators." (Sorry for my bitter sarcasm here, but this was the most discouraging moment of the whole APA weekend in New York!)

Four clinicians were presenters: Benjamin Brody, M.D., of Weill Cornell Medical College; Victoria Wilkins, Ph.D., also of Weill Cornell; Elizabeth Ford, M.D., of Columbia; and Kati N. Lake, Ph.D.  About 40-50 people attended, most of whom were mental health professionals who work on in-patient psychiatric units.

Dr. Brody was very fidgety and nervous. He was a little hard for me to hear, although I was actually sitting in the first row. He spewed loads of statistics. (That seems to be a sort of automatic response to the whole world by these people, as though numbers and raw, unevaluated data in sufficient mass can protect them.) The important point Brody made early on was that some kind of investigation must be conducted into every patient allegation of sexual abuse, even if the patient says they were raped by Santa Claus. 

He didn't say what kind of investigation, and I had no opportunity to ask whether it should be... thorough or a sham, honest or part of some cynical political cover-up.

There was in fact a carefully suppressed undertone throughout this session of minimizing, or even dehumanizing, patients. Of course they will say they were raped by Santa Claus, right? They're crazy after all, they don't have real points of view. I didn't like some of the things people laughed at.

Dr. Brody was followed by Kati Lake. Her contribution was all about trauma-informed care. Being subjected to sexual violence in a psychiatric institution sure does cause trauma! In fact, Dr. Lake made the quotable statement, "The hallmark of sexual violence is betrayal of trust." She also repeatedly suggested that mental health professionals ought to ask patients a different question than what they have been trained to ask: they should not ask, "What's wrong with you?" but instead, "What has happened to you?"

At some point Victoria Wilkens mentioned that patients know everything that's happening on a clinical unit. This was a point of agreement for Dr. Brody. He replied (nervously fidgeting), "Yes, they certainly know what's happening better than staff: that is 1000% correct!"

Almost all of this hour-and-a-half session was about how to deal with patient-on-patient sexual violence. E.g., the perpetrator has to be treated, too; but there are legal, even criminal implications, and that complexity along with the trauma factor (which extends beyond individuals to the whole milieu) must be competently managed.

Only Dr. Ford ever mentioned the elephant in the room, and she did so very briefly, with a mere passing comment: "Sexual violence can also be perpetrated by visitors, or even (implying... as unlikely as it may seem, or as rare as we all may know it to be...) by staff.

I stood up immediately when they called for questions or feedback from the audience, and thanked Dr. Ford for acknowledging, if only barely, the reality that my entire legal practice is all about. Sexual abuse of involuntary mental patients by staff is absolutely endemic in state operated psychiatric inpatient facilities. I asked the panel why this reality was so severely, desperately, avoided in the session.

Dr. Brody fidgeted a bit more. He offered what was to my mind a comment, not an answer: There are other ways to deal with that, like strict rules about boundaries and the ability to fire or even prosecute staff who violate the rules. "We don't owe staff any treatment, we only owe that to patients."

I responded that if indeed patients know what's going on on a clinical unit better than staff, and if indeed the hallmark of sexual violence is betrayal of trust, then surely the whole therapeutic milieu that's necessary for any mental health treatment to occur at all will be utterly ruined by the kinds of situations that I am suing people for in Illinois. I described the claims we have filed, e.g., for a young black man who was seduced by his middle-aged white female social worker into a three-year sexual affair that took place entirely on the inpatient clinical unit. I mentioned that the social worker did eventually get fired and go to prison for that; but the patient still attempted suicide three times within a few months after he was released, and he will never again trust anyone who offers to "treat" him.

There was some back-and-forth, but nobody in the audience was willing to comment or engage. This was obviously not their preferred subject of discussion. I can't say for sure whether that was because it just wasn't very relevant to their experience, or whether it was all too relevant. I sure suspect the latter.

Afterwards, I had a collegial conversation with a Dr. Kayla Isaacs, M.D., who spoke about a patient she recalled, obviously delusional, who complained virtually every day that she'd been raped the previous night in her psychiatric hospital room. (What to do, what to do?)

I also asked Dr. Lake if she was familiar with Lucy Johnstone, the psychologist from England, who as far as I know invented the idea that patients should be asked what happened to them instead of what is wrong with them. She didn't know of Lucy, but Dr. Wilkens piped up to say that she was familiar with her.

As I walked out of that room, I got the funny feeling that these people might be talking about me, and they might have been suspicious of me. 

They sure as hell should have been!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

APA 2024: "Comfortable with spirituality"

The subject of psychedelic assisted therapy may not be the main or only hot topic at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New York City. Maybe this whole scene of psychs-and-Shrooms/psychs-and-LSD/psychs-and-Ecstasy/psychs-and-Special K, is just my own peculiar fetish. 

But man! Stephen Ross, M.D. sure did draw a crowd on Saturday!

Dr. Ross ran a featured session at 10:30 AM entitled, "The Leading Edge of Psilocybin Therapeutics: Psychiatric & Existential Distress in Advanced Cancer, Alcohol Use Disorder, and Major Depression." The room was filled to capacity with about 300 people. 

Dr. Ross started with a summary of the history of psychedelics which was fully in tune with the way "Psychedelic Renaissance" people usually present the story. He commented as a preface that he loves history, and said the history of psychedelics " a very important part of our field (in psychiatry), which has been sort of erased." He went over the traditional use of psychedelic drugs for millennia by indigenous peoples, Albert Hoffman's 1943 bicycle ride, the 60's, Timothy Leary, and Nixon's war on drugs. He seemed to have a pretty good command of the Twentieth Century narrative.

At several points Ross reminded his audience that these drugs have occasionally been used in very unethical ways, like by the CIA, and by Charlie Manson. (He never mentioned any unethical use by psychiatrists, of course; psychiatrists from NYU/Belleview/NIMH are the good guys!) The audience could have detected a hint that Ross thinks those bad old, unethical things could happen again, because the current enthusiasm, the Renaissance, "is almost moving too quickly now. There are real risks, and there's way too much hype." Drug companies want to hop on board this enthusiasm, with shorter-acting versions of shrooms and acid that could just be prescribed, and wouldn't need any therapists.

Dr. Ross categorically asserted, "We must have a therapy model." In other words, Big Pharma's wet dream of gazillions in profits from just selling these drugs to a mass market is impossible. Doctors are never going to tell patients to just trip. Ross seemed a little too casually dismissive of such scenarios, though like, oh of course everyone there in the room would agree with him, because he's the top expert and they were professionals always dedicated to following his opinion and obeying his every advice.

He did seem very confident in reeling off details from a large number of studies, and more raw data than anyone could remember or evaluate. There were occasional gem-quality, if disjointed, comments, e.g., "Psilocybin is really about the search for a good death;" and a slide which detailed the "Psychological Safety Profile" of Psilocybin which included "acute psychological distress, fear, panic, psychosis, acute dangerous behavior, suicidality, violence, persisting adverse psychological sequelae, hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder (HPPD), and hallucinogen misuse/abuse;" or for treating alcohol use disorder, "Religiomania is the best cure for for dipsomania;" and "MDD is the most problematic brain based illness" but "data suggest that the mystical experience really matters in treatment."

One of my favorite APA guys is Paul Appelbaum, M.D., from Columbia University. He and Jeffrey "freak-of-nature" Lieberman (also an erstwhile Columbia professor) were back-to-back APA Presidents, in the days when they could imagine that psychiatrists would soon be the powerful captains of mental health treatment teams, with the closest access to brain science enabling high status and huge money. Now Dr. Appelbaum is in the thrall of psychedelics, because everything else psychiatry has done failed. He gave his talk from 1:30 to 3:00 PM Sunday, about "Challenges in the Use of Psychedelic Compounds for Psychiatric Treatment."

Psychedelics are "compounds" (rather than "drugs" or "medicines") for Dr. Appelbaum, and I failed to wonder why, until hours after his session. Now I think maybe it's a more neutral term (not to mention more technical/chemical), which wouldn't tip his hand about whether he approves or disapproves of this trend in his profession. His opening question for an audience of at least 500 people was, "What accounts for the rapidly growing interest in psychedelics?"

Appelbaum had two considerably younger co-presenters, both of whom were perhaps far more into psychedelics than he wanted the audience to believe he was. These were Dr. Natalie Gukasyan, M.D., of Columbia, and Dr. Amy McGuire, Ph.D., of Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Gukasyan mumbled a lot, so she was hard to understand although she mentioned a couple scary downsides: anyone who is on lithium is at high risk for seizures with psychedelics; and boundary violations (sexual or financial abuse) are a very important problem, because people taking psychedelics are so suggestible.

Nevertheless, Dr. Gukasyan was certainly there to testify about the upside of psychedelics. She's too young to believe the truth, that psychiatry has simply failed and it has no hope.

Dr. McGuire was an interesting case, too. She has actually run a psychedelic retreat herself. Her specific points were that due to the expense of doing psychedelic assisted therapy "correctly" (with a substantial therapy component, hours of counseling before and even more hours of counseling after tripping), there will be enormous incentive for unregulated use of the drugs, and for an increasing number of retreats that cannot be closely supervised. They will be branded/marketed as "alternative health" and "religious" retreats, and only rarely as actual medical care.

All three presenters in this standing-room-only session emphasized the dire importance for mental health professionals to get themselves educated in the issues involved, because the demand for psychedelic drugs and psychedelic assisted treatment is already huge, and increasing rapidly beyond their control. Although Appelbaum and his cohorts were admittedly shell-shocked by the magnitude of this development, they seemed to have no sense of any solution to an obvious looming danger, other than just their continued presumption that "science" as they have always understood it is the necessary, and the only possible, answer. 

Paul Appelbaum gave the final portion of the presentation. He expanded on the difficulties of informed consent in psychedelic therapy. For example, how can a patient be "informed" by a therapist, about possible experiences and phenomena that are really ineffable? How can a therapist explain or warn about things (like "oceanic boundlessness," or "dissolution of ego," or apparent communications with "higher powers and spiritual entities") which are simply not understood at all?

Advanced planning for interventions when therapy gets difficult is also very hard. A patient might say before a psychedelic session that he or she does not want to be touched by the therapist, but then want such reassurance desperately if they are terrified by experiences on the drug. Once a psychedelic session has begun, it is very difficult to stop.

Many people who want psychedelic therapy have unrealistic expectations of benefits. The media often contribute to this problem. 

Appelbaum's basic position seemed to be, "We know little or nothing about psychedelics, we cannot predict what they will do to any person or to society. But we sure are going to use them anyway."

Stephen Ross said, "I have become comfortable with spirituality."

For him and for psychiatry, that is surrender.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hey, hey, APA! How many kids did you..?

If anyone reading this plans to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New York City, May 4-8, let me know or look me up there, maybe I'll buy you a beer!

I've previously written about several APA annual meetings that I have attended. (See in 2019, one of my favorites: here, here, here; in 2017: here, here; in 2015: here; in 2014, featuring my very best moment with none other than Jeffrey "freak-of-nature" Lieberman: here; and in 2010: here, here, here.) There's always a lot to learn and think about.

People, including my friends at CCHR, imagine that I am sort of a spy when I go to APA meetings. But I go because I am interested in what these people are saying to each other, and what they are thinking about the world of mental health. The main point that becomes obvious is that all but a tiny fraction are fairly well-intentioned; although it's often a difficult question whether someone is a really clever liar or just stupid enough to actually believe what they are saying. But that's true of many people in many times and places--not just in psychiatry.

The key policy is to communicate. And especially to communicate with someone other than yourself, a different viewpoint. If I am in a conflict of any sort (e.g., ideological, cultural, commercial or something that appears merely mechanical like football or modern military), I will avoid defeat or achieve whatever victory, only to the degree that I am willing to know, admire, and be the opponent. This is a Sun Tzu thing

I should say this, that I could hardly do any bigger favor for anyone than convince them to carefully study Colin Thorne's translation of Sun Tzu! Just consider one teaser, quoted from pages 7-8:

Advance knowledge and prediction of the nature, intentions, plans, circumstances and conditions of the enemy cannot be obtained from supernatural entities, similarity of data or by logical reasoning from degrees, standards or rules. Advance knowledge or prediction must be gathered from people. 
I find it thrilling to communicate across and behind battle lines, or in the "enemy camp" (so to speak). I have been accused of sympathizing with the other side. The people to whom I am actually most loyal in my life have often suspected me. If that did not occur, I wouldn't be working hard enough, and I wouldn't feel very alive.

So if you are in NYC for the APA Annual Meeting 2024, call me! There's nothing I would enjoy more, this is your official invitation.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Good riddance, Bennett Braun!

Bennett Braun was perhaps one of the most evil psychiatrists I ever met or investigated. The anti-religious, criminal kidnap-deprogramming groups of the 1980's just loved him, because he made all "cults" seem even more dangerous, with his presentations including 11x17 glossy photographs of severed genitalia and tales of horrendous "international, multi-generational, satanic ritualistic conspiracies" that were secretly embedded in every community, stealing, raping, murdering, skinning and eating innocent children.

Braun and his cohorts, including Colin Ross, Roberta Sachs, Jerry Simandl and others, caused extreme paranoia for the media (who loved them for that, of course!) to spread around in society. Needless to say, they also caused horrible mental and emotional damage to their patients, many of whom spent years of their lives believing that they had multiple personalities caused by childhood sexual abuse, only to realize later that it was all false memory, implanted with the help of drugs and hypnosis by their psychotherapists. Bennett Braun was sued, prosecuted, and disgraced.

Braun's death should be remembered, to link his insane and extremely harmful practices to psychiatry in general.  This is exactly what psychiatry does; this is what it is about! 

Looking back at archives will easily tie the crazy "satanic abuse" crowd to the APA and various other bad actors who are still around. Braun's International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociation ("ISSMP&D") was a respected "research" authority for several years. Their annual conferences were co-sponsored by none other than Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago! 

I was a dues-paying member of ISSMP&D, and somewhere I still have a complete collection of issues of their monthly journal, Dissociation. If I can find those journal issues, I'll blog again about this, with more gruesome details. There was also a parents' advocacy organization called Believe The Children, which did their best to fan the flames of moral panic by forwarding stories of satanic abuse, none of which were ever validated. I went to a couple BTC meetings and collected their publications, too.

There are efforts now to revise and suppress this story, not un-similar to the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to wipe out all memory of Tiananmen Square and suppress any honest history of Mao's Cultural Revolution. If the APA has its way, ISSMP&D will be forgotten or recalled only as an insignificant little aberration in the long and bright narrative of humane, scientific mental health research and development. That's not how it was, I was there!

Things change. There is something weird in the coincidence that on the same day Bennett Braun died, a whole paradigm of modern offensive warfare was shaken to its foundations by the demonstrated ability of one nation to completely block a massive missile attack from another. (Maybe that's my next article.)   

But as bad as Bennett Braun was, he was no worse than Ewen Cameron, Joly West, Harry Bailey, Radovan Karadžić, Ernst Rüdin, Benjamin Rush and a whole host of others throughout the grim history of psychiatry.

Psychiatria delenda est!

Friday, April 12, 2024

From Lincoln South Unit at Packard MHC

The psychiatrist Dr. Cash and a nurse manager named Michael Fitz held an impromptu meeting of a treatment team today, with a high-functioning patient named Ethan on their unit. The patient called me beforehand, wondering whether this might be an attempt to pre-empt his regular treatment plan review, which is scheduled for next week and which he does not want to occur early without his attorney's or his advocate's presence. Treatment teams often prefer to have patients at the normal disadvantage (5- or 6-on-one with no attorney present), so they can assert control and intimidate the patients more easily.

This particular patient is smart. He did go to the meeting, and he told me a couple things about it afterward. The "team" has evidently been getting (or making up) false reports about him. He filed a complaint recently with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). I don't know or remember exactly what that complaint was, it may have been about a threat to take away privileges.

Dr. Cash told the patient that they were not going to take his privileges away after all. That was kind of a foregone conclusion... most threats like that are never carried out. Some threats are actually illegal, too. For example, the mental health code makes it a misdemeanor for a staff to threaten a patient with a civil commitment petition unless the staff is in fact prepared to file a proper petition. (That legal proscription does not however prevent this specific kind of intimidation, which still occurs routinely.)

High-functioning, smart patients who are unwilling to be psychiatric slaves are instinctively disliked by staff who want to believe themselves to be such wise, benevolent "mental health professionals," that the patients should worship them, and be thankfully and rightfully owned by them. 

Possibly Michael Fitz, the Nurse-Manager on Lincoln South Unit, is one such would-be slave plantation overseer. Michael walked into today's impromptu meeting and asked sarcastically, "Is this the Ethan show?" Then with rather flamboyant hypocrisy, he accused the patient of being "disrespectful" to staff. Of course, he was unable to offer a single instance of behavior which evidenced any disrespect, so he looked pretty stupid.

I never advise a psychiatric slave to disrespect the overseers. I certainly sympathize with their feelings of disrespect for the whole system, and anyone who would be willing to work for it. Forensic psychiatry, involuntary "hospitalization," forced "treatment" and the insanity defense are the single most destructive wrong turn for legal and social policy in the whole history of humanity. But I'm a licensed attorney and a long-time student of history. I can insult people like Cash and Fitz, and they have no real recourse against me. But the only reason any of my insults ever bite, is that they are based in some truth.

Somebody like Ethan needs to be smart. However hostile he may feel toward his current, temporary slave-masters, he has to acknowledge their power: they have a whole lot of influence over when he can get out. Most of them do not have bad intentions, either. It's not that hard to like them or at least feel sorry for them. They got into psychiatric slavery by mistake, thinking it was a business in which they could help people, or even thinking (perhaps unbelievably in retrospect) it had something to do with medicine.

Dr. Cash actually tipped her own and her institution's hand during today's impromptu meeting. She told Ethan that it "won't help" him to be writing OIG complaints. If she had thought she could get away with it, she would have said what she really meant, namely: Don't ever complain again because we will keep you locked up longer for that!

But she's smart enough to be careful. She's obviously smarter than Michael Fitz. I guess we'll see how smart she is compared to Ethan. 

Maybe the two of them can actually get along.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Bronze Plaque

An EMHC psychiatrist recently stated, "Of course, not one single patient in this place wants to be here..." For me, and perhaps for most people at EMHC (patients or staff), this may seem like unremarkable common sense. Nobody wants to be locked up in a state nuthouse, right? 

But... what of the words on that decorative bronze plaque prominently displayed for the public as they walk through the security magnetometer and get "wanded" by a stern, uniformed guard in the Forensic Program Building lobby (??): 


Somehow, it just seems that such a wonderful "hospital" would not inspire such universal desire to not be there. Maybe it can be said that nobody really likes being in the hospital; but people who are really sick are generally thankful and appreciative for good hospitals where they are well treated. In my decades of experience in EMHC, there are no such thanks and there is no such appreciation from the psychiatric "patients" who are held at EMHC, ever. There is only desperate desire to get out; the "relief and restoration... hope... health and happiness again" only comes from getting the hell out.

If that plaque in the lobby were truthful, it might tell the public:


Then the psychiatrist's categorical statement about not a single person wanting to be there would make sense. 

He would probably want to find a different job, too.

Friday, April 5, 2024

SHAME on you, Vik Gill!

My guy Gus has supposedly been offered "a deal" by his treatment team a EMHC. Nobody is really sure what the "deal" is because they are unwilling to write it down, or to let Gus write it down. Nevertheless, they insist that Gus must formally accept the invisible, unwritten, undefined "deal" by a date certain, lest he will never get a conditional release, even if he qualifies for one under the law.

The psychiatrist in charge of this nonsense is Vikramjit Gill. Vik repeatedly admonishes Gus that he'd "better accept the deal" soon, or he'll lose his chance and he'll "never get out" of EMHC. Vik further insists that the "deal" will remain unwritten because, "We don't do that here at EMHC, and we don't have to put anything in writing." He further claims that no one else has any authority: not Dr. Corcoran, the Statewide Supreme Forensic Medical Director who plainly stated in the presence of a handful of witnesses (including me), that Gus doesn't belong at EMHC anymore; nor will any judge or any prosecutor decide. Only Vik himself will determine whether Gus can ever leave EMHC.

This is all ridiculous and despicable gaslighting, of course. There isn't any "deal." Gus can say he accepts it or he doesn't accept it, and it will make no difference whatsoever. The truth is, the overseers on the slave plantation simply think they can crack some patently silly, rhetorical whip, to get Gus worried enough to say, "Oh, gee, I'm so sorry if I have ever entertained bad opinions about any of you wonderful, all-knowing and all-beneficent mental health professionals. I will never again say a critical word or think a critical thought about you, I will only praise you, even if I have to lie!"

They probably want Gus to bow and scrape when he says that, too. Or kiss Michelle Evans' ring, or suck somebody's....

And now that I think about it, I don't believe this weird new attitude or faux "treatment plan" point for Gus came from Vik at all. He's a rational treating psychiatrist, maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but decent. He's clearly not over-enthusiastic (like, e.g., Malis-with-malice or Syed Hussain) about forcing "medicine" on human beings, and he seems reluctant to consider that his patients are less than human. The problem is, he's a wimp. He tends to believe whatever was said by the last person he spoke to, so his true point of view is unstable and too amenable to any momentary influence. 

Somebody probably told Vik that he can prove something by subduing Gus. He may believe that he needs to prove something to protect his career or his state-employee benefits, too, because his competence has been directly questioned in court, by none other than Dr. Corcoran, the Statewide Supreme Forensic Medical Director (testifying under oath; I have the transcript of that hearing).

It's remarkable that Vik has stated several times to Gus that "Dr. Corcoran has nothing to say about this, it doesn't matter what he thinks." It raises the possibility that either Corcoran is on his way out, or the Statewide Supreme Forensic Medical Director himself concocted this whole strategy for some purpose of his own. Fascinating..!

The only other explanation could be that Gus is just flat-out lying to me about what people have said to him. Nothing is impossible, but I've known him a long time, and I doubt that he's lying. As far as I know, he doesn't have any clandestine voice recordings, like Marci Weber and Ben Hurt were able to get. Gus is almost obsessed with staying legal, following the rules. It's arguably neurotic of him. (Neurotic is of course a concept that's ironically out of favor in orthodox psychiatry, which is why I can use the word, even as a fanatical anti-psychiatry crusader.) 

Gus' attention to correct behavior is exactly what gets him in trouble with people who have to constantly worry that their own incorrect behavior will be discovered. He won't stop, though.

A sure tip-off here is the question: Who writes things down, and who forbids writing things down?

Friday, March 15, 2024

Psychedelics vs. the Apotheosis of Reason

Jules Evans recently interviewed Steve Rolles about "What comes after the war on drugs?" A transcript of that conversation is a fascinating demonstration or dramatization, in my opinion, of what Max Weber (and many others) have called "the apotheosis of reason."

Psychedelic drugs basically turn loose the best, and the worst, intentions and experiences accessible to individuals. Both the best and the worst are far more extreme than modern day humans can easily imagine. We have historical references like Christ/Buddha/Gandhi, and Torquemada/Hitler/Manson; but we do not find or confront those extremes regularly in our daily lives. When somebody gets crazy, like on October 7th in Israel, that merely precipitates a crazy reaction: lives and society are destroyed, but nothing is learned. In fact the world only becomes stupider.

No great patriotic war has ever helped humanity. Each and every one of them brought only dishonor, ruin and tragedy. Ideas, not battles, mark forward progress for Man. During battle, ideas literally disappear and only force exists. Battle is an absence of ideas, even if ideas are blamed or credited beforehand and afterward. Drugs, especially psychedelic drugs, produce battle within a mind.

The interview by Evans of Rolles is replete with the blissful ignorance and glib denial of evil. The whole framework of how to best regulate psychedelics so they provide benefits without causing harm hearkens back to classic lines from war movies like (two of my favorites) Full Metal Jacket and Starship Troopers:

    "How can you shoot women and children? Easy--just don't lead them quite as much."

    "What's the matter, you want to live forever? Let's all get tattoos!"

Steve Rolles is charming to note that psychedelics can turn people into boring dickheads. But there may be nothing so boring as his own discussions about, "The core thrust of regulation (being) ...keeping people safe or at least safer, and mitigating known risks."

That's not why people take psychedelic drugs, it's only what they seem to get interested in after they've been turned into dickheads. People take psychedelic drugs to overcome themselves, or in Nietzsche's own language, zur Selbsüberwindung zum Übermenschen. People want salvation, and that has never been a project for reason, but always a project for faith. 

Galileo began the long historical trend away from faith and toward reason in the early Seventeenth Century; but not long after Nietzsche died insane and godless at the dawn of the Twentieth, Albert Hoffman, Richard Helms, Paul Tibbets, Rudolph Höss, Captain Al Hubbard and Timothy Leary certainly ended that trend.

Now people vote for Donald Trump or believe in woke-ism. And they fight each other. They appear only able to cherish the artillery shell in the face or the bullet in the heart.

They want a trip, but it'll be a bad one now. Forget regulation.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Easter and Music

I have always loved the concept of the Christian Resurrection as an ultimate triumph over death. In retrospect, I'm not sure what sort of "death" needs to be triumphed over, or that human life is anything like an ultimate game. My favorite New Testament bit is the angel's question on Easter morning, "Why do you look in a place of the dead?"

I know my mother never feared death. (I'm not sure about my dad.) Among the other dead people whom I miss most are my wife's dad, a rare violin expert named Robert, and John Prine.

My parents loved music. When I hear certain Jimmy Buffet songs, or Don McClean's American Pie, or the Eagles, it sure seems to me like they are alive. My father-in-law listened to Harry Belafonte and sang along with Tennessee Ernie Ford's 16 Tons. Music is resurrection in some far more significant way than any mere re-animation of a ruined meat body.

Nevertheless, I had a strange and wonderful dream.

My wife and I do an annual music cruise with another couple, which entails 41 bands and about two thousand paying fans on a ship for a week in the Caribbean. It's called Cayamo (a made-up word which means nothing beyond being the name of the event itself). This year we had the Mavericks, Brandy Clark, The War and Treaty, Rodney Crowell, Lyle Lovett, and various others too good to forget but too many to remember. Cayamo is not quite Woodstock, but it's fully beautiful, and much more comfortable.

The pool deck is our favorite of about six different venues on the boat. You can sit in the hot tub and listen to the show, watch old people dance, read your book and drink. It's not easy to find a seat in the shade. One afternoon this week we walked out and there were several shady seats available. Our friend (age 84)  commented dryly, "Yep, people died."  I hate to say it, but the crowd does seem to get more geriatric every year; anyone who appears to be under forty is almost certainly a member of a band. 

There are just over three dozen patrons who have been there every year (of 16) without exception. Those guys always get an official shout-out from Shawn Mullins, the one performing musician who has never missed a year. They all parade down the aisle of the Stardust Theater in bathrobes. We've done nine Cayamo's in a row now, and we won't miss next year, because Emmylou Harris will be back on board.

Which brings me back to my dream.

We were sitting on the pool deck during a set by Buffalo Rose, when one of the female singers said, "Ladies and gentlemen we have a very special surprise for you. Please welcome my friend and hero, back from the dead, Mr. John Prine!" And to our shock, he actually walked out onto the stage with his guitar!

Needless to say the crowd was instantly hysterical, in unrestrained tears. No human being is more loved on Cayamo than John Prine. He is the patron saint of the event, everyone tells stories about him, most of the artists imitate him in some way, and they try to tell stories like he told stories. (One colorful example is Paul Thorn, who has some story to introduce every song he sings: "My daddy was a preacher and my uncle was a pimp... they taught me how to love and how to fight.")

Anyway... my dream continued with the most wonderful lyricist who ever lived stepping up to the microphone and speaking to us all in that same conversational, Kentucky-drawl tone as soon as the stunned pool deck multitude could calm down. "Thank you, I'm happy to be here. I'm sorry if I look tired. You know, I've been dead for several years, and that takes a lot out of a person. They say rest in peace, but man I gotta tell you, it ain't restful being dead. So I'm happy to be back on Cayamo, it's a lot better...." 

Then he sang Souvenirs, and we all cried, and I woke up from the dream crying. Every year at Cayamo I have the same realization: music is the most important thing in my life!

Back from the ship, walking by the ocean on Miami Beach, a man was dragging a cross south by the water's edge. The cross wasn't quite big enough to actually crucify anyone on it, just big enough to theatrically remind sunbathers and spring breakers of The Crucifixion. An interviewer and a videographer followed about ten yards behind the man dragging the cross, to record people's reactions (and proselytize).

I suggested that the guy with the cross should fall down occasionally, and they'd see whether anyone named Simon could be convinced to help him carry it. The interviewer ignored that, but asked what the cross meant to me. I thought for a moment, and came up with something along the lines of... coming back from such a gruesome death would sure prove a person is tough. 

I could have mentioned centuries of persecuted non-believers, brutal forced conversions, and prejudice that inspired the ruinous American Civil War. But these days Christians are decent, if boring, people.

The guy asked if he could pray for me. I told him pray for peace, that will be praying for me. 

I should have said pray for music.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

If you bite the groomer, you'll have to take meds

I have a 2-year-old Airedale Terrier named Spensur who weighs about 93 pounds. Big dog with no real manners, and we don't know everywhere he's been, he's a rescue. Trying to get him groomed, which should be done every couple months, has become an interesting project. One place after another has said no, they won't take him again, he doesn't cooperate and (just imagine!) nobody wants to get bitten.

The most recent groomer, Paul, called me after Spens had been at his place for about an hour last week, and told me to come get him, he couldn't get him into the washtub. I went in and tried to get him into the tub and also gave up. When a large dog growls or snarls at you, you just back off. Paul said well, maybe we could try again in a couple weeks, and maybe he'd give my dog half a Valium or something. I didn't like that idea, but we've got to get this beast cleaned up.

I called the vet, and explained the situation. Dr. Kramer said there's a "chill protocol." It's about four different meds, and you dose the dog once the night before grooming and once again, about an hour or two ahead of the appointment. So I got the prescriptions filled, and figured I'd test it one time before I took Spensur back to Paul. A cookie with peanut butter to disguise seven pills, plus a little cheese and a bit of turkey was the perfect contrivance, and the pills went right down.

The next morning, Spens was slow. He acted more like an old dog, not a puppy. I only gave him part of the second dose because I thought if I'd done the full protocol, he might not even get in the car by himself, and I wouldn't want to carry him. This was a Saturday. The drugs wore off slowly, and the dog seemed suspicious of me for most of the day, like, "Dad! What the hell was in that cookie?" I didn't like it. I left a message for the vet to call me, I had some questions.

You can count on a vet who practices in Chicago's North Shore suburbs to be pretty solicitous: they charge a lot more than makes any sense, and they want that business. Dr. Kramer listened carefully to my concerns, and ultimately suggested that the fine-tuning of the meds should consist of one less tablet of two drugs the night before, and then the full dose in the morning. I think he's right, and we'll probably do it that way in a couple weeks, to hopefully avoid the resentful attitude which might be a side effect of the meds wearing off. I really do not want Spensur to bite Paul, and he has to get groomed before he looks like a full-on, gnarly monster. So I'll try to reason with him, and explain the deal, and maybe get him less sensitive to somebody pulling on his facial hair or putting him in a washtub, before I take him back in.

Veterinarians are a lot like psychiatrists in that their solution to bad behavior is drugs. If dogs are well behaved, they can be easier to get along with and more lovable than some people. But they're also easier to drug and easier to kill when they behave badly.

Damn, I love this dog, and I don't want him to be afraid or upset, or to think that I don't respect him. I really want him to learn that the groomer is OK. I should be able to teach him that. The meds probably aren't very good for him, and it would break my heart to hurt him.

But like all the rest of us, he has to get presentable in society, and he can't bite the groomer.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Barry Smoot on Peter Neumer and Kwame Raoul

Illinois' Attorney General and the Inspector General for the Illinois Department of Human Services recently announced a triumphant victory against sexual abuse of disabled people. Barry Smoot sent me the January 30, 2023, article from, perhaps with the idea that I could find a good civil lawsuit in the story.

People reasonably believe that I am interested in bringing lawsuits because, like other attorneys, I want to make money. Well I do, and I really should, but... many people would also say that I am insufficiently motivated by financial gain for my own good. I am motivated most of all to "burn Atlanta and march to the sea." It's a long, total war of attrition against coercive psychiatry. I want to win it before I die, as the single most necessary effort to preserve human dignity and freedom.

The thing about litigating against a state bureaucracy is, the defendants never know they have lost unless somebody has to write a check big enough to require a special act of the Legislature to cover it. If that means millions to me, fine. I'll put it all back into the war effort anyway. I don't even worry that by revealing myself about this here, I might inspire fiercer defense against my clients' civil claims. That's because no individual in any position of authority faces any apparent existential threat: they are all complicit in criminal abuse, but only as little, tiny cogs in the wheels of a large machine which they believe is a perfect hiding place against responsibility. Regular prosecutors are rarely very interested in going after them. They're much like the Nuremberg defendants who only obeyed orders.

They don't even worry about anything happening to them if the machine is finally made to stop: their pensions are protected by the Illinois Constitution, so it's all on the taxpayers.

Barry says the reason the AG and the IDHS Inspector General don't protect "patients" at EMHC from abuse is, they consider that their jobs are really about protecting unionized state employees from lawsuits. The case which the article details is about a prosecution of a non-union, outside agency-contracted guy. That prosecution was a show. It was, "Hey, look over there, it's the Goodyear blimp! We'll show you some bad guys, but don't look at our people, they're mental health professionals."

As far as OIG is concerned, the only kind of employee who ever deserves to be punished for, or deterred from, sexually abusing involuntary mental patients is a non-union employee. If you're a member of AFSCME Council 31, then you're one of the owners of the slaves and you can do whatever you like with your property. 

Peter Neumer and his predecessors did precisely nothing to protect Ben Hurt, Mark Owens, Mansoor Abdul-Hameed, Angelo Rotunno, Kevin Johnson, Sean Gunderson, Gustavo Rodrigues, Paul Olsson, Shanovia Fowlkes, Marci Weber, Mickey Russell, Michael Dopson, Jennifer Coleman, and various other current and future plaintiffs, from staff sexual abuse or staff appropriation of their sexuality, and all the trauma and dehumanization which results from that. 

And Kwame Raoul runs his Office of the Illinois Attorney General, using huge taxpayer funded resources, paying enormous taxpayer funded salaries, to protect the abusers from the Plaintiffs. 

It's corrupt. But throw taxpayers a bone like Larry Vancil once in awhile, find a scapegoat, and dues paying members of the right club can get away with it. Kwame Raoul can say, "Instead of insuring a safe environment for some of our most vulnerable residents, the defendant chose to instead violate the rights of an individual that did not have the capacity to speak up and protect themselves. I am committed to holding individuals accountable for taking advantage of people they are responsible for protecting."  

No, he's not committed to that. He's committed to protecting the racket.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Dr. Schmidt's astounding statement (and Joe Pierre's glib freedom)

I recently heard a psychiatrist say something in a staffing that absolutely astounded me: "Part of my job is to not write anything down that will hurt you with the court."

First of all, I'm pretty sure she meant anything untrue... because of course, if she in fact perceives an EMHC "patient" to be suicidal or threatening, or symptomatic of psychosis, it would certainly be part of her job to write that down, even though it would probably convince the court to deny requests for privileges, or release.

My question is: Why didn't it occur to the "doctor" to specifically clarify this? As a forensic mental health professional, she may be in a peculiar category of "experts" who are occupationally disabled from knowing what is true or untrue. They pretend to be medical professionals; courts like to think their opinions are minimally scientific and objective. But in mental health, we certainly aren't talking about "medicine" in the same sense as that term applies to oncology or cardiology. "Diagnosis" of mental disorders is bullshit; and "treatment" (if that means psychiatric drugs or shock) is useless or worse.

Each and every one of Dr. Schmidt's "patients," as a slave on the Elgin plantation, has frequently had untrue statements written down about them which did hurt them with the court. I often sue EMHC clinicians for exactly that, when I think the untruth can be objectively proven. 

I could be very impressed by Dr. Schmidt's proclaimed intention to get people out of EMHC who can be gotten out. She almost sounds like a closet abolitionist, like she really believes the slaves should ultimately be freed! And I really want to believe her, but 20 years of experience warns me that maybe it's just a tactic.

What the slaves and their captors have in common is incessant lying, especially to themselves. The former say, "Sure, I believe I need the meds..." and the latter say, "He's sick, and I know best how to make him better." They all have short-sighted, cynical motives to lie.

I shouldn't mind. Lies are creative, they enable games. If we couldn't lie we'd all be bored as hell.

But most lies in "mental health" are too little. So the games suck.

Dr. Schmidt, I believe, is not an actual employee of the plantation. She's an outside, agency contracted psychiatrist. (There are more of them than in the past. The state can't keep people on the payroll, so many EMHC doctors are not the regular union guys now.) That status may enable a little more independence, especially if she has a substantial outside practice where her patients come willingly, or mostly so.

One interesting example of independence in psychiatric opinion might be my X (née Twitter) friend, Joe Pierre, a UCSF psychiatrist and author who recently penned an article in Psychology Today harping on the old comparison between mental illness and a broken bone. Joe seems to be so independent in fact, that he doesn't even need to consider an obvious and very practical contrast between these two "medical" situations: broken bones regularly and predictably get completely fixed; but mental illness (virtually by definition) is never cured.

My wife broke her arm long ago, and no disability remains. If she had been called schizophrenic by a psychiatrist, she would still be considered mentally ill, and all the implied social disability and oppression would continue to impact her life.

That's probably why all Dr. Schmidt's "patients" would prefer a broken bone to mental illness. For a broken bone, their doctors wouldn't be able to keep them locked up.

Writing down "broken bone" never hurts anyone with the court!

Friday, February 9, 2024

A couple pages of history

The following is an excerpt from pages 139-142 of The Last Innocent Year: America in 1964 (The Beginning of the "Sixties), by Jon Margolis (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1999).


    Thanks to his engaging manner, his eagerness to please, and his velvety voice, radio host William B. Williams was master of most that he surveyed. He was the host of The Make-Believe Ballroom, the radio program created by Martin Block, the one-time shoe salesman who had become the world's first disc jockey. 

    That position made William B., as he called himself, first among equals of the disc jockey world. His program on WNEW, 1130 on the AM dial, could be heard all over the New York area, but its impact spread farther. William B. was unique among DJs because he didn't just spin platters. His show was so popular that the stars actually came into the studio to chat with him. Frank Sinatra came--later on Williams was the guy who first called Sinatra "Chairman of the Board"--and so did Ella Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, and even Louis Armstrong.

    William B. would never have invited the Beatles. He referred to "I Want to Hold Your Hand" as "I Want to Hold My Nose" and played only a few bars of it before telling his engineer to switch over to some real music. Other disc jockeys, who were less restrained and sophisticated, were shamelessly promoting themselves and their stations as the most Beatle-crazy in anticipation of the group's imminent first visit to the United States. This wasn't William B.'s style. He promoted himself--calling himself "William B." was part of the promotion--but he did it quietly. His vanity, like his music, was tasteful, and although he knew enough to cozy up to whichever entertainer was hot at the moment, he would never slavishly link his entire persona to one singer, or even four of them.

    On the other extreme, Murray Kaufman had no such inhibitions. He labeled himself "Murray the K," a hot rod sort of a nickname. His show on WINS, 1010 on the dial, was "Murry the K and his Swinging Soiree," and he had glommed on to the Beatles fad quicker than anyone, promoting himself as their biggest fan, their biggest booster, even--audacious as it was--"the fifth Beatle." That was the new way of doing things.

    By then, even Jack Gould might have been wondering whether this British rock group had more staying power than he thought. It wasn't just that the first two single releases of the Beatles--"I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "I Saw Her Standing There"--immediately sold more than a million records and had been number one all over the country for almost a month. Nor was it simply that teenage girls sat enraptured next to radio or record player as the songs played, It was that the teenage boys were sitting there, too, and if the look in their eyes was not quite the same, it was nonetheless the look of an addiction.

    It got even worse when American boys started trying to look like the Beatles. The barber business suffered throughout much of the country as teenage boys  began to let their hair grow, the better to look like John, Paul, George or Ringo. Family harmony suffered, too. In thousands of living rooms, kitchens and dens, parents pleaded, urged, cajoled,, bribed, and finally commanded their sons to get a haircut.

    Most complied because they didn't have much choice. In 1964, fifteen-year-olds did as they were told... or else. But compliance was only scalp-deep; beneath millions of skulls, a rebellion brewed. Not that there was anything new about rebellious, long-haired youths. That's who the Students for a Democratic Society was composed of, as well as the group of University of Wisconsin students who sponsored an "unmilitary ball" to compete with the annual dance of the Reserve Officers Training Corps chapter. "Swords optional" was the motto of the rebels, who seemed to be having some impact. All over the country, ROTC enrollment was down.

    The kids who were trying to look like the Beatles weren't longhairs. They weren't even in college. Most of them were high school students who weren't active in politics. The few teenagers who belonged to political groups were more likely to be folk song fans, their group was the Weavers, not the Beatles. The Beatles fans were white middle-class suburbanites.

    Some of this "Beatlemania," as it was already known, sprang from teenage boys who were trying to make themselves attractive to teenage girls. But that explained only part of it. The Beatles had tapped into something, and if nobody was quite sure what it was, a great many people were sure that they didn't like it.Even at the beginning, there was the sense that this wasn't just a fad. It was an uprising. It was as though millions of well-bred. well-groomed suburban teenagers were rejecting, implicitly but unmistakably, everything their parents held dear.

    Some of these parents reacted. Anti-Beatles groups sprang up around the country. One, in Detroit, asserted that its purpose was to "stamp out the Beatles." The more popular the group got with the teenage set--four of February's top hits were Beatles tunes--the more upset their elders got.

   Even so, there weren't very many of these ant-Beatles organizations, and they weren't very big.Furthermore, they were moderate compared to the parents who had tried to ban performances or broadcasts of "Louie, Louie." Nobody was trying to get a law passed against the Beatles.

    But it was definitely an unprecedented phenomenon. Older folks had ridiculed the early "bobby-soxers" who swooned over Sinatra in the 1940s, and more than a few observers feared the raw sexuality of Elvis Presley's country rock songs in the 1950s. But organizing in opposition to a few pop singers was bizarre, as though people thought differences in taste were political.

   It turned out that they were. The fervor gripping so many teenagers over the Beatles did have social, and therefore political, ramifications, though exactly what they were did not become clear until the Beatles actually got here. And they got here to pandemonium. When Pan American Flight 101 landed at the recently renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport on the morning of Friday, February 7, Paul, George, John and Ringo were greeted by several thousand school-skipping teenagers and scores of reporters and disk jockeys.

   Murray the K was the most successful, or the most shameless. Somehow he managed to get right down in front of the low platform where the singers stood. He was wearing a crumpled porkpie hat. He shouted questions, talking to the Beatles, who'd never seen him before, as though he were an old buddy.

    Finally, John Lennon shouted, "Everybody shut up!" and the questioning began:

    REPORTER: Why do you sing like Americans but speak with an English accent?  

    LENNON: It sells better.

    REPORTER: Are you in favor of lunacy?

    MCCARTNEY: It's healthy.

    REPORTER: Do you ever have haircuts?

    HARRISON: I had one yesterday.

    STARR: It's no lie; you should have seen him the day before.

    REPORTER: How do you account for your great success?

  LENNON: If we knew, we'd form another group and be managers.

    REPORTER: How about the Detroit campaign to stamp out the Beatles?

    MCCARTNEY: First of all, we have a campaign of our own to stamp out Detroit.

    Poor William B. It must have been the fondest hope of all the Beatle-phobics that the singers would reveal themselves as semiliterate dunderheads, easily dismissed as beneficiaries of a shrewd publicity campaign. They were that, but they were also witty and irreverent. These four young men represented an affront to authority, which was all the more dangerous because it seemed so benign. They were mildly iconoclastic without being contentious, so suburban teenagers who didn't give a hoot about politics could express the unease they felt about school, neighborhood, and parental control simply through their taste in music.

    As if to rub in the undeniable reality of Beatlemania, on Sunday, February 9, two days after the Beatles arrived, 73 million people watched them open and close The Ed Sullivan Show. World Series games and the Kennedy funeral had attracted more viewers, but this was the biggest audience for any entertainment program.

    Just how many people found all this upsetting was never  very clear. Even at the time, some observers found it easy to ridicule grown men and women who let themselves be bothered by nothing but the popularity of a few young singers. But it was more than that. The Beatles phenomenon did not occur in a vacuum. To the traditional-minded, the late winter and early spring of 1964 were full of vexing events in politics, entertainment, the arts, and even sports.


I was recently in a staffing at EMHC, when I mentioned this sixtieth anniversary of the Beatles' arrival in the U.S. and the Ed Sullivan Show performance. A social worker whom I've known for some years remarked that she had really, really loved the Beatles. It occurred to me that this woman is probably about my age, and I imagined her being among the screaming teenagers in that audience on February 9, 1964.

I remember my mother showing me a picture of the Beatles in the paper, perhaps trying to test out my adolescent reaction. I had never heard of the Beatles before that moment. But I looked at the picture and read the article, thinking to myself that somehow my mom was a little too interested. I was suspicious of her purpose for inquiring, for observing me like some kind of specimen, or like she was thinking something about me that she wasn't saying.

Of course, it was no more than a few weeks later, when I and every kid my age were singing four different Beatles songs constantly. Our parents' skeptical inquiries were futile; ultimately we converted them to our tastes, maybe sometime after Sergeant Pepper... in what had so quickly become an entirely different world.  

My children have said they are occasionally jealous of their parents, because we lived in such an exciting time, and nothing as big as the Beatles ever happened during their youth. Yah, fine, we could have said the same thing to our parents, they of the so-called Greatest Generation (nothing as big as WW-II..?). Every  generation has its stories, and each is as great as its dreams. The stories are told by musicians and the dreams are dreamed mostly by artists. 

Surely, the dreams of generations are not dreamed by forensic psychiatrists or psychiatric plantation overseers. They're the kind of people who get converted to the dreams of others, that's their upside.

If my social worker friend remembers once being a screaming teenage fan, she can probably still get a more honest job.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

OK Gus!!

Other than Baker, the EMHC "patient" about whom I have most frequently written in recent years might be Gustavo Rodriguez. Gus' current slave cabin is on the section of the plantation known as N Unit (at least I think so--they move him around so much, I can hardly even keep track!).

Gus complains a lot, but probably quite appropriately. The thing about complaints by "patients" is, they are almost never believed, and they are very likely to draw retribution, from staff and other "patients" who act at the behest of staff or with apparent permission from staff.

Gus has been incessantly bullied lately, by a couple patients named David on N Unit. They repeatedly put post-it notes on the door to his bedroom with hearts, saying "I love you," implying Gus is gay. They disrespectfully mocked his Christianity, from which comes his morality to motivate his sincere complaints about the unjust way things are run. This week Gus admitted that he responded to the Daves in kind, for which he was very apologetic to me. I don't know exactly what he did, but it was probably not as bad as what I would have done. 

I'd love to be targeted myself for "bullying" by guys like those two Daves! I'm pretty wedded to the old saw about "sticks and stones can break my bones" and it's very hard to hurt me. But I probably know more about power in human relations than anybody who will ever try to bully me, and high school football taught me to relish physical force, outgoing or incoming. I loved playing defensive line and a solid ground offense. A passing game is pretty, but the point should be hitting. Bullies are cowards and they ostentatiously identify themselves by never using sticks and stones, only pathetic words. They just throw the ball.

The popular concern over emotional damage from bullying is a waste of attention. Bullies can be ignored, or laughed at, or beaten to a pulp when a discrete opportunity presents itself. My youngest child was bullied for awhile in grade school. I explained to him how to confront the bully directly and aggressively. We drilled a routine together, and when my son applied it, the bully went away and never came back.

Anyway, here's the reason it's worth my time writing about this on my blog.... The recent "bullying" by the two Daves on N Unit was knowingly allowed and assisted by staff. As Gus walked through the day room, he was hit with derision and catcalls from patients who were sitting together at a table with STA Kristine Iglesias and STA Erica (last name under investigation). Patients at EMHC are supposed to be helped, to improve their mental, emotional and behavioral health. They are not supposed to be ganged up on, insulted, etc., by the whole combined environment. It would have been extremely easy for Kristine and Erica, sitting right there when this occurred, to say, "Hey guys, that's inappropriate and unnecessary, so just knock it off."

In fact, it was Kristine's and Erica's job to tell the Daves to knock it off. They didn't do their job on this occasion even as they fail to do their job most of the time. They have no clue how to do their job, they have no pride in their work, they are corrupt, hopeless and degraded. Long ago, my friend Rodney Yoder tried to explain to me that these people are scum. The professional title, "Security Therapy Aide," is a joke. STA's smoke weed in hotel parking lots with patients on conditional release, and go upstairs for promiscuous nights, never thinking about anyone they are betraying, including themselves. (Right, Kristine?)

Anyway, I sure am on Gus' side! And any of you idiots who might like to come after me for that.... Mmmmm! 

Now this is going to seem nonsequitur, but maybe I can tie it in.

As I was writing, the Fox News show "Outnumbered" was featuring a discussion about implantable brain chips that could connect people to AI and digital devices for "enhancement" of various human abilities. One comment from the panel was about the potential benefits and the dangers of such technology being comparable to those which also come with psychedelic drugs. The point was essentially, "OMG, we just have to be sure these things are ethically controlled." Everybody agreed, "Oh yeah, excellent comparison!"

No, it's not an excellent comparison, because psychedelic drugs will certainly resist all attempts toward "ethical control." Those substances are the absolute personification of "NO CONTROL... NO ETHICS!" Like Jesus (from Matthew 10:34-36) they do not bring peace, but a sword. And in high irony, also like Nietzche's last men they say they have invented happiness, and they blink.

Will STA Kristine Iglesias ethically control psychedelic drugs? 

Happy Super Bowl to all!

Monday, January 29, 2024

Court reports are incoherent: more on Baker, "testing" for delusions, lies

The overseers on the psychiatric plantations in Illinois are required to report to one court or another, at least once every three months in writing, about each and every slave. This serves to support the fallacy that "patients" are being "treated" for their "mental illnesses" according to a scientific medical plan, or at least a plan reasonably expected to improve individuals' mental conditions so they can be released into the community at less risk to themselves and others.

Everyone wants to believe the fallacy, so the periodic court reports are very important. I recently spoke to a public defender from Rockford, IL who hasn't had a conversation with her client, a guy enslaved at EMHC as Unfit to Stand Trial (UST), for a couple years. In theory, it's everyone's job to get this guy fit for his day in court, to either be found guilty and sentenced, or not. He tells me he wants to go to trial, he wants a fair one, and I believe him. He certainly understands the charges against him and the legal process. But his attorney says she can't work with him (or "he's not capable of assisting in his own defense") because he's totally delusional.

It's funny though, I know this guy, I've attended his monthly treatment plan review meetings ("staffings") a number of times over the last year while his lawyer was refusing to return his calls. He seems completely normal to me: articulate, good humor, no strange ideas that seem delusional at all. And no one on his treatment team ever mentions "delusions" that they notice. As best I can tell, the public defender in Rockford is the only person noticing "delusions."

What she's talking about is likely just her disagreement with a client about how to defend a case. She doesn't believe his story, or she doesn't like him, he acts like he thinks he's smarter than she is. It's a PD's job to figure that out though, not to hire "doctors" to fix it (she already gets her salary, and the expense of her office is on the taxpayers). What's supposed to happen is a jury and a trial, not interminable, useless "treatment" (yes all my quotation marks are extremely sarcastic) for $800+/day. For godssakes, make it work, earn your salt! Fine, maybe this guy will be convicted. But he and the citizens of the state are your clients, you're a Public Defender.

When I tried to question the whole situation, I was referred to the court reports, which the PD says she reads as authoritative proof (every one of them) that her client is hopelessly delusional. I doubt it, because the court reports are (at least ostensibly) written by the clinical treatment team, and I speak to those people. Those expert mental health professionals all say the only reason this slave is stuck on the EMHC plantation is the court (and the PD) won't take him back and give him a trial. They don't know any medical treatment for that.

Court reports can be said to say almost anything because they are cobbled together out of competing viewpoints from hedging, insecure, corrupt bureaucrats, cut and pasted, and generally incoherent for any purpose beyond CYA. Following are excerpts from a recent court report.... I've written a lot about James Baker over the years. He played basketball every day when I first knew him, and kept up with much younger guys very well. Now he's a gentle and polite, charming elderly man who cannot walk without assistance; he's certainly no threat to anyone at EMHC, or anywhere else. I'm quite sure everyone on his treatment team would say the same. Just incidentally, he hasn't needed any psych drugs for decades.

Mr. Baker continues to maintain stability on the unit... (he) has maintained his assigned treatment group schedule.... 

He remains at his baseline behavior. He remains calm and not a threat to himself and to others and maintains stability on the unit. He completed his unit incentive program and participated in the unit monthly event. He is actively engaged in group and is often observed verbally contributing to discussions in a meaningful way. In Cognitive Behavioral Skills, Mr. Baker was noted as providing insightful responses and participating in the cognitive re-framing activity. 

Mr. Baker advocated for himself properly with a new trust fund staff that did not complete a transaction as requested. His debit balance account was corrected on 01/03/2024.

Mr. Baker is is in the process of being referred for placements, then planning to be recommended for conditional release.... He has agreed to go to a nursing home as part of the conditional release process.... Mr. Baker consistently maintains appropriate behavior and observes all hospital protocols while in community....  

There is no rational justification for keeping this man under lock and key for $800+ per day on Illinois taxpayers. I honestly don't know who is perpetrating this injustice and this honest services fraud. At one point, it sure seemed like it was Richard Malis-with-malice. But the incriminating signatures on the quoted document are Rose Adler (Social Worker), and Tasheen Mohammed, MD (Psychiatrist).

But back to that court report itself. It's Baker's most recent, with a cover letter dated "January 2024" from Victoria Ingram, Psy.D., to Honorable Tyria B. Walton, Circuit Court Judge in Room 304 at 26th and California. (Apparently Vicky Ingram is unable to figure out the precise date when she signs court reports, or she has some practical reason for not wanting to incriminate herself about timing.) In addition to the above positive portions, the text also includes:

He has chronic delusions.... He needs to cooperate with additional testing to verify the extent of any cognitive delusions to assist in determining further treatment recommendations and appropriate aftercare placement. Due to the nature of his mental illness he constitutes a threat to public safety, if not treated in a properly supervised and structured setting.

So according to Adler and Mohammed, on one hand Baker is well behaved, with adequate intelligence and self control, and EMHC is working on a conditional release recommendation to move him to a nursing home. But on the other hand, he has (unspecified) chronic "cognitive delusions" which they want to test for (I'd love to know how they'll do that!) to be sure he won't threaten public safety, even though he can barely walk.

What is a state's attorney and a judge supposed to make of this incoherent report from the mental health "experts" to whom they sold this black man back in 1987, during the ironically recalled "decade of the brain," supposedly to get his disordered brain medically fixed?

It's nonsense and fraud. I can hardly blame the poor, harried PD in Rockford for wanting nothing to do with the whole business, and simply burying her client in the state nuthouse.

It's just that she lies when she says she knows from the court reports he's totally delusional. 

The people running this aren't delusional, they lie. It doesn't help.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Two Carroll defamation cases

$83 million! 

OK, so Jean Carroll was defamed by someone who is much more powerful than Michelle Evans, Ryma Jacobson, Marjorie Antona, Remedios Tiu and Terry Krystoff. But maybe Lauren Carroll (no relation to Jean) was defamed more severely.

Jean was merely called a nutjob, a liar, delusional or sick, when she complained that she had been raped. For that defamatory name-calling she won a huge jury verdict. Lauren was criminally prosecuted on a single, unsubstantiated report by someone officially declared to be mentally ill and dangerous, and the media was recruited to immediately trumpet the allegation that Lauren physically abused a disabled person. Lauren's attackers, like Jean's, have been sued for defamation.

I didn't closely follow the Carroll v. Trump case; but I filed the Carroll v. Evans case with claims for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and I am the lead attorney for the Plaintiff. So far, I'm not expecting $83 million. But who knows? Trump was an idiot to go after Jean Carroll the way he did. He is losing, big-time, and no matter how that case eventually ends, after years of appeals and continuing bad media at the height of the presidential campaign, it won't be worth it to him. Likewise, EMHC and IDHS employees made a huge mistake by maliciously scapegoating Lauren Carroll. 

It is said that the jury awarded Jean Carroll tens of millions in punitive damages to teach the Defendant in that case a lesson, to punish him, and deter him from doing what he did over and over again, as he says he will. He has a net worth of billions, so it arguably takes at least tens of millions to deter him. In fact, he even bragged about that himself. He asked for that verdict, thinking the Plaintiff was a nobody and he could just run over her and shut her up.

Similarly, somebody among the Defendants in Carroll v. Evans obviously thought Lauren Carroll was a nobody who had no practical recourse against false and defamatory public allegations. They figured they could manipulate the Illinois State Police, the local newspapers and TV stations,  and the Kane County State's Attorney's office, to get some cheap publicity or credit to cover up their own horrible and still declining reputation as sexual abusers, and just get away with it. They have proven that they have no interest in righting the wrongs of psychiatric slavery or reforming the mafia culture of their bureaucracy.

The individual Defendants in my Carroll case don't have personal billions. But they have their union and the Illinois Attorney General: air cover from government and organized labor, who are far wealthier even than Trump. What jury award will deter them?

I think we'll just see.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ketamine: Don't get fooled again... meet the new cure, same as the old cure!

For a few months, or maybe a year (but not two), it seemed as though ketamine therapy, either infusions or nasal spray (Janssen's Spravato) or both, had somehow slipped into some respectable status as medicine. There were innovative clinics and innovative therapists popping up everywhere. In Chicago, there's a business which even has the name "Innovative Ketamine" with multiple clinic locations. Here's their trendy North Side spot just off Clark Street, an easy walk from Wrigley Field:

Maybe the guys who opened this one figured it's a location with excellent prospects, considering how chronically depressed Cubs fans have to be. Or are they chronically manic..? Which psychedelic is good for that again? Oh baseball!

A recent entrepreneurial operation in Phoenix tries to show some good cheer and possibly refer to 1966 Beatles nostalgia, from the height of the original psychedelic movement (Sunday driver, yeah...):

That graphic design above the name sure looks like dissociation to me, like somebody is K-holing and can't find their way back into the body.... And just by the way, nostalgia was long considered a serious mental health problem. Soldiers who suffered from it had to be brutalized, of course, that has always been the "treatment" for "mental illness" and it still is. It took me so-o long to find out. I found out.

But all of a sudden, ketamine "treatments" are looking less innovative, and more like... just plain stupid. You pay lots of money, apparently for nothing in the way of legitimate medicine that actually cures depression or PTSD. Of course, that goes for all of psychiatry. Except that stuff like SSRI antidepressants and other useless but harmful drugs, along with ECT and years of forced "hospital" confinement on a plantation like Elgin Mental Health Center doesn't get paid for by the patient. The taxpayers always foot those bills, so the patients don't have to be as wealthy as the ketamine suckers in Wrigleyville or the Valley of the Sun.

Cute "clinical" operations like Innovative Ketamine and Daytryp, or frustrated overseers like Vik Gill at EMHC, have to just hope against hope that insurance will eventually pay for these "services." But forget Medicaid! There's no way any psychedelic therapy will ever be safe enough or effective enough, without intensive counseling before and after a person takes the drug. That's prohibitively expensive, not to mention that nobody knows how to do it anyway. "Mental health" has been too medicalized for too long, and practitioners no longer have the slightest clue about, or any confidence or familiarity with, talking cures. It's just MEDS über alles! That's the total thought.

Ketamine is the bellwether for psychedelics in psychiatry. The drug is extremely addictive. It doesn't do anything good that isn't done by a placebo. The whole idea is mercifully imploding. I give it a year max.

We should hope that Rick Doblin's pet ecstasy (MDMA) project will crash and burn in a couple years, too; and if there's no FDA approval for psilocybin, we won't worry as much about planes being crashed by pilots on shrooms. The only "promise" of psychedelic drugs is a nightmare!

The sooner we realize that, the better we'll avoid Helter Skelter.

Charles Manson - Wikipedia

Thursday, January 11, 2024


The issue of mental health (or at least the issue of psychiatry) is not morality, but power.

Practical questions about how and what to think, appropriate emotions, and correct behavior are not asked by individuals in isolation from their neighbors. Rather, they are presented or negotiated socially. 

For whom will you vote and why? What do you think of our political system? Are you influenced by prejudice or loyalty, or swayed by well written campaign ads produced with music and beautiful images of family and country? Are your beliefs the same as the beliefs of people you love? Do you know the law and the proper manners in common contexts? In whose presence do you use profanity? Why do you choose to follow or challenge such conventions? Thought... emotion... behavior...

If you were Elon Musk or the King of the world, you might be free to think, feel and behave almost any way you like. Being a bit less rich or having a bit less authority requires considering other people, or at least those other people who have more wealth or more authority than you.

It seems strange to me that what we call "mental health" (which is more or less ruled by psychiatry) contains almost no acknowledgement of fundamental social reality based in the dynamics of power. The "doctors" pretend that it's all a matter of scientific fact: thoughts are neurological pathways, emotion is a balance of neurotransmitters, behavior is commanded by functioning or malfunctioning brains. Mental patients simply have to be educated into the truth (which psychiatrists know best and will ultimately know perfectly if we just give them enough money) so they'll take the right drugs voluntarily.

Psychiatrists (Jeffrey "Freak of Nature" Lieberman and Richard "Malis-with-malice" come first to mind, although even nice guys like Vik Gill are equally guilty) are mistaken to think the deal is already done. Their mistake makes them arrogant, and in arrogance, they make poor presentations and become poor negotiators. The promised great breakthroughs in brain science never did happen, so now these guys are reduced to pandering to psychedelic gurus like Rick Doblin, hoping against hope that a whole new industry might emerge there, rather than a whole new "recovered memory" disaster.

It won't happen. Ketamine remains too expensive to be scalable, and all psychedelic assisted therapy will be useless or dangerous without skilled counselors and ethical facilitators who will remain few and far between. The whole psychedelic renaissance will likely collapse in the next year or two if the FDA refuses to approve ecstasy and 'shrooms as "medicine" for PTSD or depression, and LSD for alcoholism.

It's over-obviously ironic and clearly outrageous, that supposed medical professionals are now considering prescriptions of highly addictive drugs to cure addiction, drugs that were originally known to cause or mimic psychosis for mental illness, drugs that increase suicide and violence to save the world. But they are in actual fact considering prescriptions of ecstasy, psilocybin, and acid, because all they know how to do is prescribe drugs, and psychedelics momentarily look like the best high-potential power grab. The old drugs, like "antidepressants" and "antipsychotics" (sarcastic quotation marks) are discredited.

But there are even "designer" or niche psychedelic "research" drugs like "Moxy" now, with tactile and empathic effects rendering sexual boundaries in therapy almost impossible. Perfect for certain supposed "clinicians" at EMHC, Chicago Read, Packard, Alton, etc. 

Never mind "First do no harm," or truth.