Apologies can be sincere or insincere, and still make no difference in how anybody feels about an offense.
Retractions likewise might have no impact at all, because the truth remains the truth, and lies remain lies.
There was once a "patient" at EMHC who was nicknamed Wookie or Scooter or Nookie or something else cute (I'm not sure what). He's long gone from the plantation by now, maybe very few people remember him. This guy accused one female staff of giving him crabs. (I looked up "crabs" to be sure I knew what it meant. It's gross, but if somebody accuses somebody else of giving them crabs, suffice it to say that does mean the accuser is saying he had sex with the accused.)
So... Wookie/Scooter/Nookie/whatever apparently had sex, or at least claimed or imagined that he had sex, with a female EMHC staff who shall go unnamed here. The allegation was investigated and the female staff was not fired. Perhaps she had some disability (other than crabs, that is) and EMHC/IDHS felt sorry for her.
But as I have said many times, when a staff in an IDHS institution has sex with a patient who is involuntarily committed for "treatment" of mental disorders which supposedly caused a crime, that staff commits a new crime. It's a serious crime, too, one that might earn the staff a prison sentence, and just about always should. I cannot fathom why anyone with any professional status or ability would ever choose an EMHC "patient" for sex. It is almost entirely incomprehensible to me.
But apparently lots of IDHS staff do want psychiatric slaves for sex. Is there anyone reading this who has not heard credible rumors about some such "relationship" (terrible lying word for it!) at EMHC? Never mind whether you reported that suspicion to OIG within four hours... tragically, almost nobody does that!
And just by the way, another thing I cannot fathom is the concept itself, of "meaningless sex." In my own experience (which may be embarrassingly limited), that's an oxymoron. I was never jubilantly promiscuous, I always worried about it. Even a flirty look or a mostly social kiss and hug might be meaningful, and can often be memorable. Therein lies the problem. Sex is extremely powerful: it's a lot like LSD (the tiniest bit can cause huge effects), as anybody who ever had any knows. It's never meaningless or entirely free.
The female staff who had sex with Wookie/Scooter/Nookie many years ago has probably been a perfectly good girl ever since. But I guarantee she remembers him. I understand that, and I sympathize. She should rat out others, there are many.
Everyone should be interested. Everyone is.
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