Tuesday, June 13, 2023


I finally met Bobby Sharpe in person! I can't really say it was face-to-face because everyone in Gus' staffing today was masked. But at least I was able to notice his stature and bearing. He's short, pudgy, and a bit hunched over. Gnomish, perhaps. 

The most obvious physical feature is his hair. Long (really needs a haircut!), blondish gray. I really think Bobby is trying to look like Boris Johnson, the clownish Brit politician. If he's doing that on purpose, he deserves credit for creativity.

But Boris has some charm as a politician. Bobby has none whatsoever as any kind of doctor, even as a state psychiatrist (which is probably the least likely kind of doctor to have any charm). He is hyper-aware of whether he has such total control over everyone in the room as he seems to need. This apparent pathology actually prevents him from holding any real treatment plan review for his patient Gus, as required under the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code [405 ILCS 5/1-100, et seq.].

Today's truncated "staffing" included only one negative comment about Gus from Rachel the social worker. But it was a curious one: On May 9th, Gus commented, politely and honestly, but maybe injudiciously, in the process of taking off his jacket when he was asked to do so upon entering the lunchroom, "This rule only applies to me." 

Horrors! Such aggression! That one sure did have to be carefully documented in Gus' chart, to make sure his judge understands why the taxpayers should continue paying $800/day to keep Gus in the fake "hospital" to be "treated" for dehumanizing fake "diagnoses" with harmful drugs by the gnomish, goofy little Dr. not-so-Sharpe Boris Johnson imitator!

Rachel denied being the one who documented Gus' horrible aggressive comment, but refused to say who did document it, or why it would have been documented at all. Gus himself denied saying those exact words, but explained the situation and seemed to admit that he said something which might have been sarcastic or plaintive. But communication with staff on the plantation is supposed to be respectful, admiring, grateful, worshipful. Honest attitudes are just not allowed from slaves.

Dr. Boris Sharpe's favourite statement is, "That's not an appropriate subject in this setting." He uses that frequently, repetitively. The point is to shut anyone up who's saying anything that makes him nervous or challenges his beneficent omnipotence. I told him today, after his third or fourth use of the favoured shibboleth, that I thought his behaviour (note the Brit spellings) was inappropriate under IDHS policies and Illinois statutes. That was all he needed to end the "staffing" early in a funk and slink out.

They're trying to sell Gus to a different unit. They move patients around a lot, mainly to confuse and control them. They say it's either for administrative reasons (meaning simply, "because we feel like doing it") or for better clinical "treatment" dynamics (which is patently absurd in the clear absence of any effective "treatment" at all). But it's just for control: never let a slave stay in one place, allow no connection or stable orientation, make them move, make them move!

Oh, well. I remember when Rodney Yoder was moved from Chester to Elgin, and back to Chester via Alton. Everywhere he stopped, even for a night, he gave somebody my card. The more they move guys around, the more facilities and units I get into.

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