Wednesday, August 24, 2022

F Unit idiots

Some frickin' idiot on F Unit recently tried to talk one of the slaves there into compliance by telling him I took drugs once when I had brain surgery, therefore he shouldn't listen to me. A couple of things about this are interesting.

First... the fact that some low-level, support or pseudo-clinical staff, whose name I've never heard and don't even care to know, would bother to read a blog article that I wrote years ago, and go to the trouble to so crudely misinterpret that article in a way he thought might help control one of the slaves... must be quite a complement to my own intellectual or philosophical influence and authority inside EMHC, one of the most renowned psychiatric institutions in the country!

Second... the particular article was one of the most personal I ever wrote. It revealed my feelings and thoughts in a most vulnerable moment. With that article, I kind of opened myself up to people who consider me their enemy. I probably sacrificed my own HIPAA privacy right (although that is merely comedic). It is just very slightly unnerving, to hear that someone could read about surgeons breaking open my skull and scooping a bloody mass out of my brain while my family sat in a hospital waiting room wondering if I'd ever be the same, and then use that information to attempt to interfere in my relationship with a client.

Third... after rereading the article from January 14, 2018, I think it's pretty good, maybe even important, and I recommend it to everyone! It details my own subjective experience, which demonstrated to me the stark difference between competent (even miraculous) modern medicine and psychiatry. Good medicine helps people, even saves lives. Sometimes a patient has to be talked into it, like I had to be. Psychiatry never helps, it only insults and debilitates. People only accept it under duress or as a result of fraud.

My brain surgery five years ago was good medicine, it helped me, and the people who did it were brilliant and kind. There's no chance that B'Rock, the F Unit slave, will remember the staff who told him not to listen to me as helpful. He'll remember them as incompetent idiots. He'll probably get them fired, or at least nuisance transferred.

I'm not afraid of drugs, giving orders, taking orders, receiving force, administering force to others... but I know what help is and what it isn't. People who need to pretend that brutal, cynical, arrogant, lying control is medical help, or any other kind of help, are cowards.

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