Wednesday, July 12, 2023


The word comes from Latin docēre meaning to teach. "Docile" comes from the same Latin root. So doctors want their patients to be docile and thus easily taught, right? Two-way communication, as in e.g., Socratic teaching, is much harder work. So let's just drug people into docility and force them to accept what we tell them.

The profession of medicine as it exists today, best exemplified by psychiatry, which is best exemplified in turn by coercive state psychiatry, is not well liked. It has surely failed to change people's minds or create agreement by communication and understanding. Forcing people to comply is the real modus operendi, as demonstrated by the rather stale social excuse, "Doctor's orders."

What happened to teaching by civil conversation and rational disputation? Why exactly was Socrates sentenced to death?

The most fundamental spiritual instinct is probably to create something from nothing and sell it to others as though it is real. But looking too closely at the "reality" you're buying from another reveals its creation from nothing. Then there's no commerce to participate in, no interest to find in life, nothing to play with or do. That's very distressing, so we are all willing to be citizens of ancient Athens: Socrates is alive and must be overcome!

Richard Malis, fondly known as "Malis with malice" for such atrocities as keeping James Baker in chains, is a doctor. He surely wants his patients to be docile. But all the teaching that is involved for him is on the order of, "I'll sure as hell teach you a lesson!" When he's confronted about this kind of malice, Dr. Malis retreats very skillfully into bureaucratic procedures or details. 

People who work for the state love being tiny cogs in the wheels of large machines, so no one will see them or notice that they get no results, or bad results.

Malis with malice recently admitted that one of his "patients" has not been allowed to step outdoors for over seven months. However, he insisted that this was good for the "patient" purely because of how the terms "on the unit" and "off the unit" are defined in EMHC policy. And he added, just by the way, that of course the "patient" can look at the sky from inside the building.

How can anyone expect to improve the mental condition of a person by keeping them locked indoors for seven months? Even prisoners serving life without parole get outside time! Malis with malice just figures patients have to be drugged, whether they like it or not, whether they agree or consent or not. That is the secret to mental health! Oh, and of course "patients" have no capacity to judge risks and benefits of any treatment unless they agree that they're sick and they need the treatment.

Malis with malice uses the term "sick" to describe the mentally ill more than anyone I know. No doubt he means brain diseased, and he has totally forgotten that it's not literally true, it's a metaphor, there is no known, objective pathology.

Just take your drugs, and say thank you, or you'll never walk outside in the sun again!

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